Friday, April 10, 2009

Keyword Selection For Real Local Internet Marketing

Keyword selection is one of the most important and misunderstood aspects of local internet marketing or any internet marketing for that matter. If you are trying to rank high for broad keywords like golfing then good luck. The top ranking for a keyword like that is attainable but its like starting at the top of the pyramid. The best way to go about this is to attack the low hanging fruit first and then over time work your way up. By the way the low hanging fruit happen to be geographically specific search terms.

As you can see by the pyramid the top keyword is the hardest and they get easier the more specific and/or long they are. To golf you need clubs, balls, a bag, etc. Then the next step would be specific types or brands of clubs, balls, bags, courses, etc. And then finally we have very specific areas or towns where we want to rank high. If you have ever had any success with keyword targeting then you should either know this or it should at least really click with your experience.

So look at the different words you are targeting and compare them to the pyramid. if you are shooting for the upper two tiers take a step back and re-evaluate where you are at. if you have a new site get ranked for the first two tiers before jumping up to the top 2 tiers. They will come with time but the bottom tiers can come a lot faster.

We don't Fizz we RULE!!!

P.S. If you do a search for "Golf Course Mamaroneck New York" you will only get two courses actually in the city of Mamaroneck. Both are private and very expensive. Winged Foot reportedly costs over $400,000 a year just to have a membership. Random but that was what I was looking for.


  1. good post, i am just starting out, so this is interesting. wil be back for more!

  2. I love the use of the pyramid. Another great post! Innersight dZine Studio
