You may be coming to this site and asking yourself what is local internet marketing. This is a totally valid question and lucky for me it is easy to answer. Local internet marketing is essentially how to use the internet to get visitors to your site and business that live in your area. Say for instance you have Bill and Teds Tire shop in Page, Arizona and you have a website that informs people about the different products that you carry and maybe mentions special deals you are currently running on wheels, tires, rebalancing, etc.
The question you must ask yourself is what type of traffic do you want? If you sell tires do you really care if some dude in Singapore comes across your site? Probably not since he is not your target customer living halfway across the globe. Your target customer is someone that lives in your area, in a nearby town, or is in the area and needs a new tire. Most tire shops get 95% of their business from people that live within 50 miles of their shops so these are the people we want to attract to our site.
Make sure that you know what you want when trying to figure out your internet marketing strategy. If you are a custom leather goods maker in Page, AZ you might not care where your customers live since you can easily ship your goods anywhere on the planet. Another business that would fit here is a service provider that can do business over the phone and internet. For instance if you are a travel agent then you don't care where your clients come from as long as they have money. You can handle the transaction over the internet or maybe the phone so location is not as important.
So local internet marketing is when you are trying to target a particular geographic region. Whether it is a tire shop in Page or a chain of tire shops in the South West you are still going after a particular geographic region.
Now many firms out there sell a big package that will cost $500-$2000 a month to help you rank for a few keywords. If you are trying to rank high in Google for a word like computers you will have a really hard time, and even if you are successful it will take a few years to do it. On the other hand if you are trying to rank for "custom gaming computers Omaha Nebraska" you can likely do it in just a few days if not sooner. In future posts we will show some of the easiest ways to go about doing it.
Hopefully this made sense to you. if it didn't drop me a line at with any questions, comments, or criticisms.
Market Hard,
The Real Local Internet Marketer